Your next chapter is waiting.

It’s time to do the thing only you can do.

  • A 6- or 12- week journey

    Gain the clarity and confidence you need to navigate your life.

Hi, We’re Jana & Molly

Molly Strong

Jana Wilder

It doesn’t matter who you are. Our secret sauce breaks barriers, changes perceptions, dives deep, gets creative and gets all the pieces in place so that you know, when you take your final breath, that you did what you came here to do. 

Whether it’s the next big business strategy, getting on a stage for the first time, finally writing the book, selling the company you built from the ground up, launching the album or starting something from scratch that just FUCKING LIGHTS UP YOUR SOUL (We call it “the thing you can’t not do” (intentional double-negative for effect)), our life’s work is to walk with you while you do yours.


The thing inside of you that is screaming to come out. To finally become your own greatest ally. To go so far inside of yourself that you come out the other side MORE YOU.

So that when you start this next chapter (one of many in your life) you do it from a place that is

un-fuck-with-ably clear, true and you.

We’ve worked with entrepreneurs starting shit in their living rooms, stay at home moms, artists, healers, community builders, change-makers, coaches and CEOS and leaders of all kinds. Each, in their own right, straight up badass bosses.